13 Exes Share The Dumbest Ways Their Partner Tried To Win Them Back

Funny Tweets

[S]ocial media is the best way to share our emotions and contact our family and friends around the world. Because everyone has the freedom to say anything but sometimes this freedom exceeds their boundaries and causes the virality. It is mostly on Twitter, these strange and funny tweets become viral all over the world and shock the reader’s mind.

In relationships, there are many weird and unforgettable events during relationships and later. Some syko personalities share strange experiences of life, “funny tweets” on their profile related to their strange and disgusting life experience. One reason for sharing this can be that they feeling relaxed and want to forget about those bad moments or remember those good days. In fact, no one can understand the exact reasons behind it. But one thing is true. It’s really amazing and weird. Hope you would like these funny tweets about the relationship experience. Like and share it, if you really smile while reading it

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