This Crowd-Sourced Dictionary’s Brutally Honest Definitions Are Better Than The Real Thing!

Brutally Honest Definitions is a creativity to explain the actual meaning of words Or can say its the creativity can say describe for “why and whom” we use this word.

#7 Yolo, You Only Live Once. “Carpe Diem” For Stupid People.

Brutally Honest Definitions
Photo Courtesy: Scoopwhoop

#8 Brain: Something We All Have But Most Do Not Use It.

One such thing would have been there, but nobody tried to use it.

Brutally Honest Definitions
Photo Courtesy: Scoopwhoop

#9 Procrastinate Use For Lazy Person Whose Not Work Properly.

What are you doing right now? Get the fuck going and finish your work.

Brutally Honest Definitions
Photo Courtesy: Scoopwhoop

#10 A Word Used At The End Of The Sentence.

Etc is used where boundation of words and you try to write more but you don’t have any space or time. etc also used to tell the examiner or a person I know lots of things but I am writing this. “Etc”

Brutally Honest Definitions
Photo Courtesy: Scoopwhoop

#11 Oh, Cool: I Really Do Not Care.  

Brutally Honest Definitions
Photo Courtesy: Scoopwhoop

#12 Orgasm: In A Real Meaning Of Life, For A Girl “Orgasm” Purpose Of The Life.

It really sounds good, orgasm is a life.

Brutally Honest Definitions
Photo Courtesy: Scoopwhoop

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