Tubelight Brain
[D]aily routine lots of people doing unnecessary works. but some type of work is extraordinary and make an example of giggling and a big laugh. This is not his fault, it’s all about his tubelight brain. First, let me describe tubelight brain, it’s such type of superspecies who’s done an extra ordinary stupidity task.
Below there are lots of tubelight brain example. Who’s use his brain more than a stupid person. We don’t know how they survive in this earth but still, they are present and they are breathing. You don’t have to think about it, just see tubelight brain examples and enjoy it, but not forget to comment.
#1 Hey What Is Going On There Aquarium Or A Shopping Mall?

#2 You Should Not Spoil The Childhood, This Is Too Bad.

#3 I Have No Explanation For The Picture Below, You Already Made Your Day!

#4 I Think This Picture Must Be From Somewhere In India.

#5 What Kind Of Useless Horror Photograph Is This, Enough Shit Already!

#6 I Do Not Know When They Will Stop Using Camera Uselessly.

#7 Is There Anybody With A Tubelight Brain For Explaining Me This?

#8 Wifey Is Pregnant And She Needs Some Good Care, Honey Bee Syrup.

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