10+ Priceless Reactions To NASA’s Discovery Of 7 New Earth Like Planets

Earth Like Planets

[O]n February 22, 2017, NASA announced the proofs of the existence of 7 Earth Like Planets orbiting a start roughly 30 light years away from our Earth. Out of these seven planets, three are said to be habitable, and there is a strong possibility of the presence of the water on their surface as these planets lie directly in star’s habitable zone.

I believe most of the people over the net or is it better to say trollers who are just sitting and waiting for something to happen in the world. A breaking news hits the internet, and in hardly 0.0006 seconds you will see the Twittersphere exploding with memes and sarcastic posts. Discovery of 7 Earth like planets was not something that would go unnoticed, so here we are again with the best reactions on this discovery of planets like earth.

#1 It is indeed the cutest *:.

earth like planets
Photo Courtesy: BoredPanda

#2 NASA trolls Trump.

earth like planets
Photo Courtesy: BoredPanda

#3 Nobody bats an eye to the real routine.

earth like planets
Photo Courtesy: BoredPanda

#4 Or they are happier 😛

earth like planets
Photo Courtesy: BoredPanda

#5 WoW it is something admirable, right?

earth like planets
Photo Courtesy: BoredPanda

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