Funny And Relatable Comics
[C]omics are actually used to describe your mind thinking in a better way, means, what you have in your mind you can easily express with some such a reality or images. According to this topic expectation vs reality, you must enjoy this funny and relatable comics.
Now we share some facts regarding what a boy wants from a girl : As much as it is necessary for the relationship to span quality time with you, the more important it is that you spend some quality time staying away from you. Do not over-emphasize everything. If your boyfriend wants to have nightclub or cocktail party with friends, then do so. Spread a wet towel on that bed, or like sleeping in the holidays, let them do whatever they want. If you are uncomfortable with any of their habit, tell them, but do not force them. Let them realize themselves that you have problems with them. Below Lot of the moment may you familiar with this, so let’s come on this amazing, funny and relatable comics
#1 It Depends Upon Your Inner Power And Feeling.

You may look cold or hot. So ladies use your gifted energy to warm everyone, not only on water.
#2 Seducing Someone, Its A Amazing Art.

For That Not Only Expression Matters: you may have a good looking body and face. Otherwise, you have to get attention forcefully like this.
#3 If That Is Real Than It’s A Big KLPD.
Photo Courtesy: Boredpanda
Men want to spend romantic and private moments with their Lady Love. So if you approach them, even if you do not have them, take care of their feelings and needs.
#4 Let’s Talk About Shopping, There Is No Full Stop If She Starts.

#5 It’s You, Nobody Can Take Your Place.

#6 She Thinks I Could Be So Productive, But Actually That Not At All.

Hanging from the balcony of the houses or in the middle class, often girls are seen discussing social issues, which the world has given the name of Chugali. In this way, we should not forget the girls who are suffering in their hearts.
#7 The Big Question Always In Man’s Mind, Why She Carry A Bag In The Washroom.

#8 Why The Girl, Are Not Like Boys.
Photo Courtesy: Boredpanda
It is said that the girls are very emotional, crying on small things. While the boys are strong and strong hearted. Yes, it is true that girls are not boys, but it is not the heart, it is a matter of mind.
The structure of veins in boys and girls is different. The latest research claims that this is why the way to understand things is also different. The human brain is divided into two parts. The right side of the brain handles the left side of the body, and the right part is left. That is, the left part of those who write directly with their hands are more active. Apart from this, there is also a division of different jobs in every part. The structure of the nerves inside these parts is such that the brain can understand different realizations.
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