Funny Indian Ads
In the world of Indian television, along with the tv serials, advertisements are also shown. There are many different types of ads on tv. Management of product make their advertisement attractive to sell their product, but sometimes they make very weird ads and that make people laugh. They make whatever comes in their mind, but in last they show the product. And some ads display adult content; people feel shy and uncomfortable when they sit together with their family and watch tv. There are so many funny Indian ads which come out of nowhere, and everyone ignores them and shows that they are not watching the tv.
Here Reader’s Cave presents some funny Indian ads that will make you laugh.
#1 An Advertisement, Not For Family But Product Is for Family Planning.

#2 This Ad Comes At The Dinner Time.

#3 Dara Oil Vs Whatsapp

#4 Vicco Turmeric Song Is Necessary To Play Before Every Movie

#5 Roz Roz Nima Rose.

#6 This Uncle Is Immortal

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