Worst Thing A House guest Has Ever Done
[W]e live in a world surrounded by other humans who are related to us in one or the other ways. To some of them we have names as our relatives few of them are known to us and a majority of them are strangers but not for everyone else. We all are connected in one or the other way we believe it or not but the fact is true. Oops I have written all this drunk, the guest we had at our house yesterday made me write it and a house guest is one of the creature on earth I like the least they are always the trouble makers and the worst things you may expect happens when they are around.
#1 Truly Such A Person Should Not Even Call In Hell.

#2 She Is Thinking That She Will Purify All.

#3 Who Says That House Guest Is Another Form Of God

#4 In Such A Way, Even An Enemy Can’t Do This.

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